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Friday Release Valve

May 31, 2020

Avid gardener Andrew Heaton explains the basics of home botany

May 30, 2020

I recently broke my leg, and reflect on the upshots and downsides of it

May 28, 2020

We're gamifying funny headlines! Everyone on the show gets a funny headline, but some are real and some are fake news. Each team hears the headlines, asks probing questions, then guesses which is real and which is fictitious. 

Host: Andrew Heaton
Team Captains: Andrew Young and Jeremey Kareken
Guests: Nicholas...

May 27, 2020

Nick Sperdute and Andrew Young join the show to discuss the week's best, most underserved headlines

May 27, 2020

Horoscopes can be complicated--let me walk you through the basics